News: 16th September, 2019
Annual NFWI Conference 2019 in Bournemouth
An early arrival in Welshpool main carpark on a very wet and miserable Tuesday morning in June, armed with raincoat and warm clothes, made me imagine a dismal drive down to the Annual Conference in Bournemouth. But it was not to be! The journey down was interestingly long, as apart from picking up WI members en route, we had a rather lengthy detour which our driver negotiated with great aplomb.

Heading down through Brecon, we had two 45-minute stops and chattered our way down south arriving fairly late in a warm, sunny welcoming Bournemouth where the quite splendid Chine Hotel awaited us. We were made very welcome and then shown to our rooms. I was to share with Ruth. We had not really met before but immediately found that we had a lot in commo and thoroughly enjoyed one another’s company over the next few days – as I think all of us did!

In the evening two Ruths, Katherine and I went in search of somewhere for an evening meal but after finding our way onto the beach, two of us went for a wonderful paddle in the sea, which was surprisingly warm. We then decided to head back to the hotel where we had a tasty supper and drinks, joining most of the other members who were already there. Arrangements for the following day were discussed and then, fairly late, we all drifted off to our rooms.

A really bright, warm, sunny day with Katherine having an early morning swim in the outdoor pool before breakfast, heralded a great start to conference day.

After a leisurely breakfast, we were taken by coach to Bournemouth International Centre where a veritable sea of WI members moved like a colourful wave, up the steps and into the foyer. Slowly, we surged forward, sideways and upwards until we found a seat in the huge auditorium.

Immediate, essential business now, Lynn Stubbings, Chair, reminded us all of the various activities and campaigns being carried out by the WI this last year, drawing our attention to this year’s resolutions and the need for keeping alive all WI initiatives. Ann Jones then stressed the need for all WI members to register locally as Climate Ambassadors. The Treasurer’s report indicated that it had been a good year generally but that Denman was down on last year with WI Enterprises having made a healthy profit.

Speakers, both for and against this year’s resolutions ‘A call against the decline in local bus services’ and ‘Don’t Fear the Smear’, were listened to, with some very interesting and informed responses given from the body of the hall. In the afternoon session, both resolutions were passed and much greater detail is available in WI Life.

The morning speaker, Lord Bradley, Chair of ‘Care Not Custody’ gave a very interesting talk on the ongoing work which gives support and care to people with learning disabilities and mental health problems who become caught up in the prison system. He looked back at what has been accomplished since 2008, when the WI passed a resolution calling for an end to the inappropriate detention of people with mental health problems. At present, the Prison Reform Trust liaises with 38 outside organisations in order to provide diversion services for such people, making us more aware of how WI campaigns and initiatives really can achieve change in policy and practice on issues that matter to us.

Following the resolutions’ vote in the afternoon session, Maggie Philbin of Tomorrow’s World fame and now of Teen Tech, took to the platform. Maggie gave an informative and fascinating talk of her background and rise to fame through radio and T.V. and her present work in schools nationally, providing opportunities for young people in the areas of Science and Technology. An inspiring role model!

A full day, and looking around as we left the hall, a reminder of the sheer number and diversity and power of women involved in the WI. We then made our way to the restaurant that had been booked and enjoyed tasty Italian fare. A balmy, warm evening, the same four of us walked back along the lower coast road next to the beach, naturally taking time for a paddle as we watched the amazing sun set before joining the others in the hotel bar.

After a lazy breakfast the next morning, we piled on the coach and took a speedier way home. A thoroughly enjoyable but educational few days.

Mary McKenzie (Delegate)