Meeting: 9th January, 2019

Phil examining a piece of
antique scrimshaw brought in by Mary MacKenzie
The speaker for the evening was Phillip Wyville-Bell

Phil gave us a very interesting talk about his life in the antique business, starting from when he was just a young boy. His presentation included many amusing anecdotes and humorous stories; and gave us a fascinating insight into the world of the antique dealer. Phil also took time to look at a number of antique artefacts brought in by members.

The raffle prize, a lovely candle in a jar, was donated by Val and won by Hazel.

A tasty supper was provided by Committee Members and enjoyed by all.

The competition:
'Most interesting, unusual or particularly decorative kitchen implement'
1st place: Janet Burton
2nd place: Mary McKenzie
3rd place: Val Atherton