News: 31st December, 2020

Covid Restrictions: A glimpse into our

‘Christmas Bubbles’

A festive corner in Helen’s home

Yuletide Pooches - Mary’s perfect pair

Jennie and Maureen sporting impressive festive jumpers

Janet’s pooch sporting Rudolf antlers!

Jan’s pooch sporting a santa outfit!

and her tasteful & beautiful tree…

Jan’s festive fun!

Ann Marsh’s tree - magically mirrored

Anne Hill’s festive nook… and window display

Pam’s positively perfect Christmas displays!

A Spanish ‘Merry Christmas’ from Chris!

Ann Morgan’s tree and tasteful trimmings

Ann Marsh’s table-top tree

Maggie & Andy’s first ‘marital Christmas tree’

Val and Mike’s absolutely stunning outdoor display!

Anne Hill’s festive feline friends

Helen’s jolly Santa decorations –
Ho Ho Ho!

Helen & Mark’s pooches competing
for the cutest look!

Janet’s Mum’s tree and decorations

And her window all lit-up for Christmas

Val and Mike - Saucy and Smart!

Janet & Dave – Christmas CHEERS!

Chris and her pooch: Cosying up together in their Christmas bubble

Val and Janet - Christmas ‘Colander Girls’