News: 23rd November, 2017
Llangynog WI's Resolution 'STOP Female Genital Mutilation' is shortlisted!

At our July meeting this year it was agreed that serious consideration be given to Llangynog WI putting forward a WI resolution in relation to FGM, as this is a subject a number of members have felt very strongly about for a long time. (FGM involves ‘the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs’ for religious, cultural and social reasons. In England and Wales, it is estimated that 137,000 women and girls are living with the effects of FGM.) A group of members, with Anne Hill taking the lead, worked on the resolution which was then forwarded to our Federation for consideration. The PMFWI Board very quickly approved and sent the resolution forward, with their recommendation, to the National Federation in London.


‘STOP female genital mutilation

Almost 200,00 women and girls in England and Wales are affected by or threatened with the risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). This figure rises to 200 million worldwide. FGM is illegal in the UK, but it is still happening. We urge the NFWI to use its collective voice and influence to raise wider awareness of the traumatic health consequences of FGM and support and partner with agencies that are working to end this practice in the UK and worldwide.’

This year 68 resolutions on a wide range of topics were submitted to the NFWI. These were narrowed down to five at a shortlisting meeting in early October. Shortly after the meeting Janet received a phone call from Central Office confirming that our resolution was one of the five! (There is more detailed information on this, and the other four shortlisted resolutions, in the November/December edition of WI Life, pages 24-27.)

The next step is for every individual WI member in England and Wales to consider and vote for the resolution they would most like to go forward. Ballot papers go out in January 2018. Llangynog members are hopeful that their resolution will be successful and will go forward for further discussion and voting at the NFWI Annual Meeting in June 2018.