Meeting: 13th November, 2024 |
AGM business finalised, with no changes to the composition of the committee, members of Llangynog WI welcomed Medical Herbalist practitioner Louise Idoux.
The importance of knowledge of the power and uses of plants was made obvious to members during Louise’s extremely interesting and informative talk.
Speaker - Louise Idoux from Oswestry Herbarium
Members were made aware that as a medical herbalist, Louise has the knowledge to treat a wide range of medical issues and is obviously a safe pair of hands.
The evening was rounded off, as usual, with a tasty supper and a welcome chat, especially concerning the new title of Llangynog Berwyn Belles WI!
The raffle prize was won by Janet and donated by Wendy. An Indoor Hyacinth Growing Kit.
Competition – A posy of herbs
1st Place: Jennie Eilbeck
2nd Place: Ann Morgan
3rd Place: Pam Parnell