Meeting: 9th October, 2019
If you want to get ahead get a hat!

Audrey Aldridge, a talented milliner from Llanfyllin arrived at our monthly meeting with an array of beautiful hats to brighten our evening. Most of her hats were made of sinamay (a modern replacement for buckram) whilst other where made of wool or straw. She explained how fabrics are moulded over wooden blocks and steamed and pinned in place.

She went on to give us a brief history of hat making from the height of its popularity in the Victorian era when the bigger the hat and the more feathers and decoration the better. Hat wearing declined when covered transport like the motor car arrived as there was very little headroom.

The competition, a home-made paper hat, was won by Anne Hill, and a very tasty supper was provided by committee members.

by Pam Parnell