Meeting: 9th November, 2016
Carry on Kurling

With business over at the Llangynog WI Annual General Meeting, members hurried into the hall, where Kurling equipment awaited them. Teams were quickly formed and play began.

The hall was soon filled with excitement and noise, as members became increasingly involved, and more than a little competitive! A really enjoyable evening was had by all. Carry on Kurling!

The raffle prize, a lovely plant, was donated by Anne Evans and won by Pam Parnell.

Refreshments were provided by Mary and Janet.

Competition: Best Limerick (Entries for the Literary Eisteddod)

1st: Janet Burton (10 points)

Other entries: Val, Wendy, Jennie, Mary, Hazel, Maggie, Pam, Cath (All with 7 points)