Meeting: 9th September, 2020
Al Fresco

A warm, sunny, September afternoon, socially distanced in Anne Hill's garden, members of Llangynog WI were delighted to meet after weeks of lockdown and restrictions. White flags, strategically placed on the lawn, marked the seating arrangements, allowing members to catch up on one another's news before Anne's talk and demonstration on egg tempera painting.

Members had had the opportunity of viewing Anne's own egg tempera paintings at an outdoor garden gallery, weeks previously and were intrigued to hear about the history of medieval egg tempera and watched with fascination as an egg yolk was removed from its sac to which was added the same amount of water and then mixed with dry powdered paint on a palette.

The egg yolk acts as an agent to bind the paint to the canvas or board and was a technique used in early manuscripts, emerging as the principal form of easel painting in Europe by the early 1400s.

It was an extremely interesting and thoroughly enjoyable afternoon meeting and members wished Anne well with her on going egg tempera art work now that she has completed her Fine Arts studies with flying colours.

Completed 'demonstration picture' of the hare on the steps, in egg tempera